lying on the grass
near the bandshell
in central parklistening to stravinsky gesualdo
rodrigo monteverdi
while the ancient stars of the
country firmament
drift through my mindlike sand through a fence:
ernest tubbs tex ritter roy acuff
their nasal twangs
and steel guitars
with me stilli remember my shock
when a student from brooklyn
asked me if i’d ever heard
of hank williamsheard of him (!) kid
i was him i saidhim and all the other hanks
hank thompson hank snowi poured them on post toasties
in the morning instead of creami danced in the streets of firebaugh
to the maddox brothers and rose(i am sitting on the rug
of our house in oklahoma
mama reads to papa
from the novels of zane grey
the radio plays bob wills
and his texas playboys)eddie arnold carl smith elton britt
i raised my first hard-on
at a dance by lefty frizzell
i learned to yodel
before i learned to comei scarcely like it anymore
(except when i want to return
to the womb)
and i watch in annoyance
as my private treasure
becomes their public changei want to shut it up tight
in my memory
away from their prying eyes
and praise
so i could then
for the rest of my days
dislike it in safetystill there are songs
from my childhood
that cling like peach-fuzz
to a cloth coat:deep within my heart lies a melody
beneath the stars all alone